I LOVE amusement parks! Especially, really cool ones like Disneyland. I am 50 years young, and I still get heart palpitations as I push past the turnstiles and into the park entrance. There I stand, gazing at the perfectly crafted Mickey Mouse image made of every kind of flower and greenery. Aaaand then....there IT is, staring back at me like a 5 million dollar listing with my sign in the front yard...Sleeping Beauty's Castle. Each step bringing me closer to the wonder of what lies ahead (even though I already know, I've been there like a dozen times).
Hands down, the best rides in this California playground are The Pirates of The Caribbean, The Haunted Mansion, and of course, Space Mountain. This intergalactic ride is my favorite! It's exhilarating fast, every turn takes you into total darkness, while metal music pounds in your ears. Your mind wonders...where is the next corkscrew twist, or deep descending fall? It's just so dope! Er, until you get off the ride. Low-key, it's nauseating. High-key, I need a barf bag.
Hey! That's precisely how I feel about my social media campaign.
I took you on that little mental jaunt of The Magic Kingdom in order to give you a clearer understanding of what riding through and riding out social media for business looks like. Parks with crazy, cool roller coasters and delicious junk food, we CHOOSE to visit. Yet, with social media, if you want to be at Walt's caliber, as a Realtor you gotta get in the whip and drive! It makes no difference if it runs on a track with a big-eared mouse, or you have to maneuver it yourself. You still have to get your social media program, rollin'!
Unfortunately, like a tea-cup spin...it can cause extreme dizziness.
SEO Fairies and Crystal Balls
I say the following so you understand I have skill and knowledge when it comes to marketing, and I'm not just talking gibberish. Many years ago, my creative side decided (unilaterally, I might add) to take on building my own website... www.misspropertyprofessor.com. Surprisingly, it went quite well even without a Fairy Godmother. So, when Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, and so on burst onto the scene I felt pretty confident tackling them. Yet, all good fairytales do come to an end....Google got involved. Now, I'm not tossing a villain cape on them (maybe, just the analytics department) because I firmly understand that number crunching is meant to help our SEOs. Yet, the assistance is only helpful if we can figure it out! For real, though, every day I feel like I need a Park Pass to ride about The Haunted Mansion continually, just to get a glimpse into the crystal ball for SEO premonitions.
If you follow my blog, you know I'm all about keeping it simple. Therefore, after mind-numbing years of riding the statistical roller coaster, I've gotten off the ride. I could no longer handle the sense of dizziness in an attempt to figure out the DAILY changes of SEOs.
Here are 3 KEY WAYS to unlock the Social Media Kingdom and stay on the throne!
1.) Original content, and lots of it. I love to write and educate, so this key is pretty easy for me to hold onto. Don't dismay, if you're not a pen and quill cat, there are plenty of companies and freelance writers out there to keep your blog going strong. Just be sure they discern your personality and style of doing business, so your blog reflects you. For instance, I'm a urban-goofball, and that comes across in my writing. Therefore, when potential clients find me on the net and, then meet me in person, the two match. Keep it "real".
2.) USE social media! I don't mean just post a picture of you, and your dog fishing last weekend, or your girlfriends weekend binge in Vegas. I mean talk about your business. No wait...better yet, talk about THE business. At the end of the day, people aren't really that interested in you as a person. What they do care about is WHAT you can do for them. What value do you bring to the table? Yeah, yeah...that's great that you went to Harvard and you're a GRI, ABC, 123, PhD, etc. (actually, that really is impressive). Beyond that, what does all that education and knowledge do to help your client? When you tweet, post and podcast offer something the client needs. I.N.F.O.R.M.A.T.I.O.N (why did The Manhattan Transfer, just run through my mind)? Anyway, bibbity bobbity boo...give them value, too.
3.) Finally, love 'em or hate 'em...Facebook. Yup. I've used it over and over again. If you post something on your page, and that puppy takes off with "those reached" throw $5.00 at it, and lett'er ride! The more often you do it, the more "post clicks" you get, and that's good for biz! It's not rocket science.
Check out this link to help... How do I boost a post from my page?
Ad campaigns are great, too!
Put your hands up...and ride it out! It's FUN!
Ebb and flow, up and down, off and on, push and pull...you get it. Life is full of change, and yes it can be wobbly at best when you are trying to ride out the changes. Amusement park woozy...fun! SEO queasy...not fun. Yet, you must buy that E-Ticket, and use every cent of its worth! When all your REALLY need to worry about is following simplicity and having fun, your business can be enchanting and a wildly successful, magical journey!
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing".
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