Miss Property Professor
You may be a new home buyer, an experienced buyer with new questions, residential investor or just need to stay informed of today's current market and available loan programs. Wherever you are in your property journey, I'd like to help you! Also, I'd love to invite you to my website! There you will find videos, home searches, no-commitment online loan applications and FREE registration for weekly Home Buyer Seminars! www.misspropertyprofessor.com
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Are you a Networker or a Partner? Guess who's the BEST?

Um, yes. Yes, I did.
I am not the least bit afraid to admit to my disdain concerning networking events, and I'd take a wild guess there are others like me. Not only are the early morning breakfast pow-wows a staple among corporations and entrepreneurs alike, but now adding "The Givers" type groups to this genre almost makes me feel sinister to express my true feelings. As a collective group of professionals, I believe we've been sublimely roped into the idea that anything short of croissants, coffee and tribing less than three days a week will be an assured business catastrophe!
Um, this is a lie.
The truth is networking has to happen. Why?
To begin, it has to happen because we can't simply toss out a couple of tweets, shoot out a few posts on our blogs, share several Facebook comments, and have hoards of new clients blowing up our phones.
I wish!
Successful businesses incorporate various marketing tools. My favorite example of how and why networking is so effective is a barber.
"Dang, your hair!!! Who did that? I need to visit your people"!!! It might sound like this..."Bro, man who hooked you up? That cut is dope"! Regardless of the jargon, a compliment is a still a compliment. However, the MOST important element of this exchange is our response to these questions.
Is it..."thanks"? Of course, not! We respond to admiration with adulation! We stop, soak in the praise and begin digging furiously for a phone number or a business card to share. In essence, game recognize game!
The answer to the "Why" is gratitude.
It's all about "The Gratitude."
Human nature propels us to show gratitude, often with gifts. Yet, every gift isn't necessarily tangible. Networking is a similar concept. We receive good service and we show our gratitude with a referral. A referral is not a noun in this case, but a verb. It is something we "do". When we move gratuity to action it becomes a gift.
So, how does all this networking, gift-giving, and referral tossing differ from Partnering? Here is The Websters Dictionary definition of each:
Network: a usually informally interconnected group or association of persons (as friends or professional colleagues).
Partner: a person with whom one shares an intimate relationship: one member of a couple.
See a clear difference between these two meanings? This single word variation although informal and intimate, can take your new and existing business from good to great!
"Great at friendships; bad at intimacy"...Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire is one of my all time favorite movies because of the moral of the story (okay, Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding, Jr, seriously help). Really thought, if you haven't seen it (OMG...do)! It's the account of a sports agent, who has an epiphany and begins to offer quality service over quantity. In the beginning, it appears that this wasn't such a great move as he is left with no clients, other than Cuba. What he learns through their business relationship is true friendship, and in the end the result of this genuine bond between these two men is recognized by virtually everyone in his industry. It becomes the catalyst for the optimum relationship in which to strive. Networking allows the connection. The partnership allows the relationship. This question is an easy one. Who do you devote more time and attention to in your life? Your connections or your relationships?
Moving forward, take it to the end zone!
Next time you shake a hand, pass out a card, or accept an invitationtruly consider the association beyond the danish and the dark roast. You'll find that those you partner with will always offer you the gift of referral first.
"The key to business is, personal relationships"...Dicky Fox
business partnering,
network marketing,
real estate,
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
How to be the BEST Dual Agency Ringmaster
"Peanuts...get your peanuts"! Oh, how most of us love the circus (maybe, less the clowns...they're just scary). I can think of no better event to bring us back to a childhood memory than a bag of hot peanuts, and an exciting tightrope act. The acrobats carefully balancing the narrow cord between platforms hundreds of feet up in the air is so exhilarating!
There are a couple reasons we seriously dig this carnival of absurdity. To begin, that flippin' around in the clouds stuff takes crazy skill! Granted, the years of practice must be grueling, yet all the methodical effort is for not, without the finesse of these performers. The second reason we are fascinated by this Moulin Rouge madness is the thrill we feel! The audience sits perfectly still, in absolute silence and wonder of what might happen next? Will they complete the journey between the ultra tall podiums? Will they come crashing down? All the while, racing through our minds...how the heck are they doing that, and better yet...why?!! #adrenalinejunkie" (don't lie, you hashtag in your head, too). Regardless, of the reasons we visit the circus, in real estate working with the buyer and seller, simultaneously shouldn't mirror The Big Top. Oh sure, we have no problem staring in awe at that high-flying mass talent, but it's only because we know they are capable. When any event is done with insane dexterity...it's aw-some! Right?!!!
The Juggling Act
Frankly, I can't think of time in my real estate career that a transaction involving both buyers and sellers, under my representation alone elicited the words..."that's cool how you made us nervous, and stuff. We wondered if you liked your other clients better than us? We loved when we thought the deal was going to fall apart because no one could come to an agreement!" Hmm, nope. Not clowning around here, no client wants to sit in on your juggling act when it involves them. We aren't talking about a $20 ticket to a show. This is a $200k+ purchase and nothing is funny about that.
Oh sure, we are all willing to take that risk and do a double-end back flip for the payoff, but do it wrong and now you have a job cleaning the donkey stalls. (you got that metaphor, right?). However, treat this kind of deal with precision and mastery, and you can sport the top hat all the way to your treasure trunk. More importantly, your clients get their fantastical new homes and a Ringmaster Realtor they can rely on in the future...and refer today!
BALLYHOO! Ideas for you
Master...The 3 Ring Circus
Ring #1. Be sure that you have properly disclosed the relationship you have with both parties. Make it clear you are representing them individually, yet within the same transaction. This is more than a quick overview. Depending on your state, there are disclosure forms that need to be reviewed and signed. If you are not sure of how your state's compliance needs to be spelled out check with your Broker, or your local DRE/BRE. Never guess or disregard these docs.
Ring #2. Don't be made to feel like the 3-Headed Monkey Boy in the freak show. In spite of how some Realtors feel about "double-ending"...before it became a four letter word, it was totally acceptable. What happened? Ethics? The moral decline of humanity? I like to look at it like this; let's say I have a toothache and go to the "general dentist", and while I'm there he finds I need a root canal. He schedules it for next week, doing the procedure himself. What? Is there something weird about that if he is skilled to do, both? I do understand that there is no 3rd party involved where favoritism can be shown. Except wait, you say maybe he is just trying to make and keep all that money for himself". Yet, if he took the time and effort to educate himself and put in the hard work, why do I care if he is making money on both actions? I don't. Just be sure you do it, right! And, show me your credentials. I understand it's not exactly the same scenario, but come on...you get the drift. Dual agency, when allowed and done right doesn't have to be shady. Fiduciary Responsibilities. Use 'em.
Ring #3. There are 2 sides to every coin. Considered how this could be a huge benefit to both, buyer and seller. Check this...I work predominately as a buyer's agent. One of the most frustrating aspects of the sales side of a transaction is keeping an eye on the loan. Man, there is nothing that will stop the Ringling Bro's vibe quicker than Bozo - The Buyer's Agent failing to keep a spotlight on the deal. I truly know the importance of that. However, when I'm representing the seller alone, it's kind of out of my control. Oh sure, I can check on it now and then via the buyer's agent (it's always nice to be respectful, and not try to do the other Realtor's job). For real though, when you look at The 2-Headed giant in that light it isn't so bad, after all. In this case, two heads really can be better than one. Two sets of eyes, better yet! Follow your dual agency strategy with disclosures, good communication, outstanding ethics, and superstar management...you've got a 100,000 ticket prize!
Let your balancing act be strong, your integrity fly high, and your professionalism dazzle the crowds. It's all about being the magical and moral mediator!
"Ladies and Gentlemen...Welcome to The Greatest Show on Earth"! Dual Agency Dynamo!
agent representation,
dual agency,
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Millennials Staying Home. Multi-Gen Inventory is the SOLUTION!
"I'm pregnant"! Ah, the birth of a baby; nothing is sweeter (initially...ha). This joyous announcement is followed by $2,577.35 spent on diapers, and 1800 + bottles, annually. There is a $245,340 investment from arrival on the planet, through high school graduation. And, a final cost of approximately $85,245, for a 4-year college education.
These costs giving you a total of $333,162.35, to raise ONE kid!
With that said, OMG let's give us a pat on the back, a high-five, and freaking fist bump! We totally deserve it, Rockstars!
Now, GET OUT!!! (love ya, buh-bye).
Wait. What? You want to know...if you can stay awhile? Um, no. But, thanks for asking. On the flip side, we've just invested a cool quarter million in this kid; what's another, or say...10 years?!!! Welcome, to The New Millennial Life Plan. We just signed on the dotted line as a co-borrower, baby! All joking aside, much of the information out there is pointing to this new trend and has been for some time. Not since The Great Depression in 1940 have we had so many young adults hanging around the house. Granted, post-TGD, for most households this lingering on was necessary. It took everyone pulling together to make ends meet. So, whassup now? Have we raised a bunch of entitled, spoiled brats? A group of child-like adults that don't want to spend their money, but have no problem spending ours (I mean..MORE of ours). Have we failed? Did we forget a couple of life lessons on finance and hard-work in the two decades we had them? Let's not be so hard on ourselves. More than likely, it's that darn "cost of living" thing...circa, 2015.
Despite reports that we are in a "recovering" economy, unemployment is down, and wages are up (slightly) it's still not enough. Sadly.
Check out what the stats say; it's a mixed bag of good and bad.
The data is pretty unnerving. 46% of college grads in their 20's are cemented in dead-end, low-wage jobs, the highest number in decades. The number or young adults earning less than $26,000 per year has risen to it's the highest level since the '90's.
Depending on how we look at it there is a lil' bit of good stuff in this situation. In a country that started developing a strong sense of every man for himself around the Reagan era, we lost an ol' school sense of family. Not the "nice to see you on holidays" gatherings kind, but the true all-for-one-and-one-for-all kin. Why did we ever get away from that? It's called "family" for a reason. I'm not a proponent of hand-outs, but I sure am an advocate for a hand-up. Life is hard, doesn't it make sense to give our kids the best start? Yes, raising them from 0 - 18 was a great START, but let's see what we can do with a bit of ingenuity and compassion.
Here's how this cradle to grave thing could work out for the housing market.
Okay, so if we've resolved ourselves to the fact (and hopefully embraced it, because we're cool like dat) that junior is coolin' in the crib a minute longer then here is a great strategy to make this time, and plan a win-win outcome.
A.) Set a clear timetable for how long he/she is staying. Without this game plan, there is no sense of urgency (which is what drives us as human beings), and there is no sense of calm for us, either. Let's be real; it's hard to stay relaxed when you're always wondering "when is (insert whatever, here) going to end"?!!! With a clear cut plan everybody scores.
B.) Have a chat with a local lender. One of the biggest issues for Millennials is debt; and, at the top of that list is, student loans. Part of the strategy should be paying off bills, building a solid credit score, and saving. By consulting with a loan officer, families will have a clear approach to the making it happen!
C. ) Hang out at the bank a minute longer. We've got an application to fill out. Huh?
Let's take this "family bonding" to its nth degree. GO multi-generational!
Here's the breakdown of the bigger problem:
*Millennials are not earning enough money. They have too much debt and no established credit.
*Parents/Grandparents/Extended Family don't have enough space in their existing home or income to cover everyone's expenses. Bigger family. Bigger bills.
Instead of cramming everyone into the current home, meant for Empty-Nesters, or the paid off family home in need of lots of updates, why not MOVE? Let's be honest. If the property was purchased 20+ years ago, it might be time for an upgrade! I wonder how many folks have been to a new home Open House, lately? Whoa! Gorgeous. I know, I know! We can't afford a payment like that"?!!! That may be right, We can't, but EVERYONE collectively can! Here is where the family part comes in! What if, homeowners started considering this idea?
Interest rates are still low, and many older owners are Vets, so they can use a VA loan. If our kids, who are now living with us have established good credit, they might be able to go on the note. Being on the mortgage would help move them toward a home of their own within a year or two. Ok great, but what happens when the kiddos roll out, and now Ma and Pa are stuck with the mortgage? We can take that lovely equity, and refi with a nice LTV (loan to value) or sell it.
Well, that's a lot to ask. I mean all that packing, moving, unpacking. A huge commitment. Here's a little secret we signed up for that "huge commitment" at Wha!!!
Every membership has its privileges. With the M-G Membership, we get family fun, economic savings and stability, and a beautiful new home! The housing market perk is movement forward!
We went Green...now, let's go Multi-Generational! Pitch it, Sell it. Propel it!
"No man is an island; entire of itself" ~ John Donne
Monday, November 2, 2015
Who's winning the RACE for Seller's homes? Investor or Realtor?
Competition is tough these days, for any kind of business, but sales (of any kind) edge out most careers. We have to be more creative, more tech savvy, more educated, more skilled, more social, more, more and more! Thanks to the super highway of information these days we have to be even more determined to win!
Get out of our pit...you ain't part of the crew!
Here's a little secret. Guess who just wandered into the pit, toolbox included? Street Flippers. That's right! A bunch of smart, equipped investors. They've learned our tricks and they are using them...in overdrive. The starting line for business is beginning to look like the 405 at rush hour!
The good news is we have one thing they don't...a license, and that still carries some clout. Yeah, you will find some sellers that want to save that commission and will shake a grease-monkey's hand instead of a skilled Realtor. Certainly that is their option and best of luck to them. Yet, stats from the NAR say only 9% of the property sales are FSBOs. Basically, most folks eventually called a real estate agent to get that home sold.
The question here is not what lug nuts have these house flippers loosened that keep this business spinning, but how have we failed to apply our pit crew finesse to win the race? Why have we parked our Formula 1 car in the garage? You says there are no homes to list, no buyers to be had? Not true! What is real is how we forgot to speed after them. It's time we got out of 1st gear and show the street investors that we learned how to downshift, first!
“Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary… that’s what gets you.”
― Jeremy Clarkson
Don't let them pull ahead...3 "Refresher Laps" to win the race
From the new bumper car sales agents to the Mach 1 Realtors, here's a quick refresher lap to stay ahead of our opponents...
Want to beat out the direct competitor for listings? Here's how...
1.) Sellers are being enticed with the "cut out the middleman" gibberish. Awesome thinks Mr. Seller...if I sell directly to the investor no commission needs to be paid. Oh, I'm sorry Mrs. Investor were you going to help the homeowner look for their new home too, in this sluggish inventory market? Oh, that's right, for you it's about the win. Yeah agents, were about the client. Frankly, sellers are in park these days and others are just in neutral. All they need is a little push to get rollin'. I promise you it's not the interest rates keeping their brakes on, that's for sure. Most people that want to sell want to buy too, but are cautious. I've yet to meet a client that is okay listing their home in a seller's market and take a chance they will find a new one, given this crazy low inventory. This would render the seller, homeless. Yeah, not an exciting option.
2.) You betta burn some rubber to the small landlord's doors. Big time property management companies usually have their own pool of investors that are well taken care of. However, the not so big dogs might be "over" being a landlord. Granted, you need to approach them at the right time, but no one really knows when that is. So, you maybe just want to hover around the hoods to see who's skipping out.
3.) For Sale By Owner Seminar. Um, nah. What person in their right mind would come to a FSBO seminar run by a Realtor? That's a single-lane, dead-end road to a potential homeowner. Yet, if it were hosted and sponsored by a lender, would they go? Vroom, Vroom! Oh, you Ms. Realtor? You'd just be the behind the scenes "guest speaker" that happens to mention all the statics regarding FSBOs. Ya' know, just a little brain fuel to mull over. I'm thinking a registration sheet and a few weeks of their home on the market and they just might remember that "lil' old Realtor" at the seminar. Just sayin'.
YOU, be the high-octane fuel to MOVE the market forward
Bottom line, there are sellers with homes to list, but they need a little push on their Big Wheels to get moving! More importantly, these homeowners need a secure feeling that the numbers are going to work and they will find a replacement home. It's not the commission that's keeping them from starting their engines, its, the unknown. Remember, an investor can't write an offer either, but you sure can.
So...on your mark, get set....go, Mario!
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
3 KEY WAYS to unlock the Social Media Kingdom; and, STAY on the throne!
I LOVE amusement parks! Especially, really cool ones like Disneyland. I am 50 years young, and I still get heart palpitations as I push past the turnstiles and into the park entrance. There I stand, gazing at the perfectly crafted Mickey Mouse image made of every kind of flower and greenery. Aaaand then....there IT is, staring back at me like a 5 million dollar listing with my sign in the front yard...Sleeping Beauty's Castle. Each step bringing me closer to the wonder of what lies ahead (even though I already know, I've been there like a dozen times).
Hands down, the best rides in this California playground are The Pirates of The Caribbean, The Haunted Mansion, and of course, Space Mountain. This intergalactic ride is my favorite! It's exhilarating fast, every turn takes you into total darkness, while metal music pounds in your ears. Your mind wonders...where is the next corkscrew twist, or deep descending fall? It's just so dope! Er, until you get off the ride. Low-key, it's nauseating. High-key, I need a barf bag.
Hey! That's precisely how I feel about my social media campaign.
I took you on that little mental jaunt of The Magic Kingdom in order to give you a clearer understanding of what riding through and riding out social media for business looks like. Parks with crazy, cool roller coasters and delicious junk food, we CHOOSE to visit. Yet, with social media, if you want to be at Walt's caliber, as a Realtor you gotta get in the whip and drive! It makes no difference if it runs on a track with a big-eared mouse, or you have to maneuver it yourself. You still have to get your social media program, rollin'!
Unfortunately, like a tea-cup spin...it can cause extreme dizziness.
SEO Fairies and Crystal Balls
I say the following so you understand I have skill and knowledge when it comes to marketing, and I'm not just talking gibberish. Many years ago, my creative side decided (unilaterally, I might add) to take on building my own website... www.misspropertyprofessor.com. Surprisingly, it went quite well even without a Fairy Godmother. So, when Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, and so on burst onto the scene I felt pretty confident tackling them. Yet, all good fairytales do come to an end....Google got involved. Now, I'm not tossing a villain cape on them (maybe, just the analytics department) because I firmly understand that number crunching is meant to help our SEOs. Yet, the assistance is only helpful if we can figure it out! For real, though, every day I feel like I need a Park Pass to ride about The Haunted Mansion continually, just to get a glimpse into the crystal ball for SEO premonitions.
If you follow my blog, you know I'm all about keeping it simple. Therefore, after mind-numbing years of riding the statistical roller coaster, I've gotten off the ride. I could no longer handle the sense of dizziness in an attempt to figure out the DAILY changes of SEOs.
Here are 3 KEY WAYS to unlock the Social Media Kingdom and stay on the throne!
1.) Original content, and lots of it. I love to write and educate, so this key is pretty easy for me to hold onto. Don't dismay, if you're not a pen and quill cat, there are plenty of companies and freelance writers out there to keep your blog going strong. Just be sure they discern your personality and style of doing business, so your blog reflects you. For instance, I'm a urban-goofball, and that comes across in my writing. Therefore, when potential clients find me on the net and, then meet me in person, the two match. Keep it "real".
2.) USE social media! I don't mean just post a picture of you, and your dog fishing last weekend, or your girlfriends weekend binge in Vegas. I mean talk about your business. No wait...better yet, talk about THE business. At the end of the day, people aren't really that interested in you as a person. What they do care about is WHAT you can do for them. What value do you bring to the table? Yeah, yeah...that's great that you went to Harvard and you're a GRI, ABC, 123, PhD, etc. (actually, that really is impressive). Beyond that, what does all that education and knowledge do to help your client? When you tweet, post and podcast offer something the client needs. I.N.F.O.R.M.A.T.I.O.N (why did The Manhattan Transfer, just run through my mind)? Anyway, bibbity bobbity boo...give them value, too.
3.) Finally, love 'em or hate 'em...Facebook. Yup. I've used it over and over again. If you post something on your page, and that puppy takes off with "those reached" throw $5.00 at it, and lett'er ride! The more often you do it, the more "post clicks" you get, and that's good for biz! It's not rocket science.
Check out this link to help... How do I boost a post from my page?
Ad campaigns are great, too!
Put your hands up...and ride it out! It's FUN!
Ebb and flow, up and down, off and on, push and pull...you get it. Life is full of change, and yes it can be wobbly at best when you are trying to ride out the changes. Amusement park woozy...fun! SEO queasy...not fun. Yet, you must buy that E-Ticket, and use every cent of its worth! When all your REALLY need to worry about is following simplicity and having fun, your business can be enchanting and a wildly successful, magical journey!
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing".
Saturday, October 24, 2015
3 SECRET Game Rules...1st TIME HOME BUYERS Need To Know!
Ever played Pictionary? Charades? Any game that requires you to guess at what the other player is trying to do, or say? If so, you know you have about a 50/50 shot at getting it right. However, the results from assumptions; can be hilarious!
But, here's what's not funny...misconceptions, lack of understanding, and believable rumors that keep you (Buyers) from purchasing homes. Most of us, have all the time in the world to laugh, and create playful strategies; but, in the real world of home-ownership, those causalities could cost you money. While you're assuming you can't purchase a home; others have moved on to Clue, and figured out the story. The fable that ends with them conquering the myths; and, securing the castle.
Excuses, Excuses...Excuses!
"I'll let you know if I change my mind...I don't think the timing is right...We have a lot going on right, now". These are all reasons I've heard, and continue to hear, as to why Buyers cannot, and/or will not buy a home. Really? I can't think of a single time, that I've truly wanted to advance my personal well-being, or financial portfolio; and, allowed a unfounded objection, to stop me. Quiet honestly, when I toss out the "no, thanks" to sales folks (like myself); it's usually, because I am not sure of all the variables.
Whoop! There it is! Assumptions. Wouldn't it be nice, when you did get that call, email or text, asking if you'd be interested in buying a home; it didn't come in puzzle form, but instead with detailed game rules?!!!
F.E.A.R...False Evidence Appearing Real.
3 Game Changers
Here are a few things that are not real, when you purchase a home:
1.) You do NOT pay the Realtor. WHAT?!!! Keep your money; We will have that discussion with you, when you sell your home.
2.) You do NOT need a huge down payment. As a matter of fact; in most cases, if your score is 640+ you will not need a down payment, at all. However, you will have to come up with a lil' cash for the good faith deposit (usually around $500 - $1,000). A GFD is the money that says to the Seller..."we mean business"! If your transaction closes; it's applied to your closing costs; if it falls apart, by no fault of your own, you get the deposit back.
3.) Most all closing costs can be paid (and not by you). Well, er...kinda, by you. Let me get out my Etch-A-Sketch and break it down...
Home Purchase: $200,000
Closing Costs: $5,000 (approximately)
Seller Credit: $5,000. This is the Seller increasing the home purchase price from $200,000 to $205,000; and, allowing you to finance your closing cost, into your financing. Basically, you pay that closing cost over the life of your own loan. Trust me it's the way to go. Battleship, brainpower!
Roll the dice with a Realtor
"Yahtzee"! Oh how we love to holla' that phrase; it means we won! In reality, buying a home is sort of like rolling those dice; but, it's not always 5 dice, that mirror each other. Sometimes, it's 3-of-a-kind; and, other times it's that lousy "chance". Regardless, as long as you know the rules; it's worth the opportunity to sit down, and play the game. The more you understand the guidelines, the better you become, at winning.
So, here's the cool analogy...it's advantageous to chat it up, with a Realtor and learn "the rules". Taking the time to have a short conversation with a skilled, professional, versus assuming abstract information; could mean the difference between being a homeowner, or not.
There is no "Risk" in building equity; and making memories in your own home. You may just be on your way to a "Monopoly".
"Knowledge is power...Play to win!
down payment,
first time home buyers,
real estate,
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