Saturday, October 24, 2015

3 SECRET Game Rules...1st TIME HOME BUYERS Need To Know!

Ever played Pictionary? Charades? Any game that requires you to guess at what the other player is trying to do, or say? If so, you know you have about a 50/50 shot at getting it right. However, the results from assumptions; can be hilarious!

But, here's what's not funny...misconceptions, lack of understanding, and believable rumors that keep you (Buyers) from purchasing homes. Most of us, have all the time in the world to laugh, and create playful strategies; but, in the real world of home-ownership, those causalities could cost you money. While you're assuming you can't purchase a home; others have moved on to Clue, and figured out the story. The fable that ends with them conquering the myths; and, securing the castle.

Excuses, Excuses...Excuses!

"I'll let you know if I change my mind...I don't think the timing is right...We have a lot going on right, now". These are all reasons I've heard, and continue to hear, as to why Buyers cannot, and/or will not buy a home. Really? I can't think of a single time, that I've truly wanted to advance my personal well-being, or financial portfolio; and, allowed a unfounded objection, to stop me. Quiet honestly, when I toss out the "no, thanks" to sales folks (like myself); it's usually, because I am not sure of all the variables.

Whoop! There it is! Assumptions. Wouldn't it be nice, when you did get that call, email or text, asking if you'd be interested in buying a home; it didn't come in puzzle form, but instead with detailed game rules?!!!

F.E.A.R...False Evidence Appearing Real.

3  Game Changers

Here are a few things that are not real, when you purchase a home:

1.) You do NOT pay the Realtor. WHAT?!!! Keep your money; We will have that discussion with you, when you sell your home.

2.) You do NOT need a huge down payment. As a matter of fact; in most cases, if your score is 640+ you will not need a down payment, at all.  However, you will have to come up with a lil' cash for the good faith deposit (usually around $500 - $1,000). A GFD is the money that says to the Seller..."we mean business"! If your transaction closes; it's applied to your closing costs; if it falls apart, by no fault of your own, you get the deposit back.

3.) Most all closing costs can be paid (and not by you). Well, er...kinda, by you. Let me get out my Etch-A-Sketch and break it down...

Home Purchase: $200,000
Closing Costs: $5,000 (approximately)
Seller Credit: $5,000. This is the Seller increasing the home purchase price from $200,000 to $205,000; and, allowing you to finance your closing cost, into your financing. Basically, you pay that closing cost over the life of your own loan. Trust me it's the way to go. Battleship, brainpower!

Roll the dice with a Realtor

"Yahtzee"! Oh how we love to holla' that phrase; it means we won! In reality, buying a home is sort of like rolling those dice; but, it's not always 5 dice, that mirror each other. Sometimes, it's 3-of-a-kind; and, other times it's that lousy "chance". Regardless, as long as you know the rules; it's worth the opportunity to sit down, and play the game. The more you understand the guidelines, the better you become, at winning.

So, here's the cool's advantageous to chat it up, with a Realtor and learn "the rules". Taking the time to have a short conversation with a skilled, professional, versus assuming abstract information; could mean the difference between being a homeowner, or not.

There is no "Risk" in building equity; and making memories in your own home. You may just be on your way to a "Monopoly".

"Knowledge is power...Play to win!

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